The Wisdom Show

The Wisdom Weight Loss Solution

Start Your New Life NOW! ORDER TODAY!!
40 Day supply for $139.00

Welcome to Your Weight Loss Journey!

special $139 price Tens of thousands of people have used this simple, safe and effective method to achieve quick and permanent weight loss. Based on a protocol introduced by Dr. A. T. W. Simeons, a European medical doctor in the 1950's, this weight loss plan has proven to be virtually 100 percent successful. Most people who follow the exact diet instructions experience these spectacular results...
  • Lose ˝ lb to 1 pound a day WITHOUT GAINING IT BACK!
  • Stubborn area fat deposits melt away
  • Dramatic body reshaping of the hips, thighs, buttocks and waist
  • Lose intense, constant physical hunger
  • Lose food cravings and uncontrollable urges to eat when you’re not hungry
  • Reset your metabolism
A 40-day supply, taking 30 drops per day, takes you through one full cycle of the diet. People typically lose 20-30 pounds during this time. After two fat loading days, you go on the main part of the diet for 21 to 40 days (Phase 2), then go on maintenance for 3 weeks (Phase 3). If you have additional weight to lose, you can go back and do another cycle of the diet. (We have a special price on the drops for repeat customers.)

The Wisdom Weight Loss Solution includes:

HCG drops
  1. 2 bottles of drops - used together; a 40-day supply (shipped)
  2. 28-page Getting Started Step-by-Step Guide (download)
    contains all the information you need to begin your diet journey - how to take the drops, what they do, foods you can eat, the 4 phases of the diet, what to do if you get a stall in weight loss, and more.
  3. 101 Worry-Free HCG Diet Recipes Plus Hints & Tips from Experts (softcover, shipped) - great selection of P2 recipes!
  4. Phase 2 Weekly Shopping List (download)
  5. Phase 3 Weekly Shopping List (download)
  6. Phase 2 Weekly Intake Sheet (download) to record your journey
  7. Phase 3 Weekly Intake Sheet (download) to record your journey
  8. Phase 2 FAQ (download)
  9. Phase 3 FAQ (download)
  10. Phase 2 Tips for Success (download)
  11. 40-day Phase 2 Menu Planner (download) - shows you sample meals for lunch and dinner, 40 days!
  12. Dr. Simeon's Pounds and Inches (book, download)


  13. Phase 2 Vegetables & Spices (download) - photos of the 14 approved P2 veggies with cooking ideas and links to recipe videos (for each veggie)
  14. Phase 3 Recipes (download)
  15. Phase 3 Sample Menus (download)
  16. Phase 3 Food Tips and Resources (download)
  17. 13 Flavors of Liquid Stevia (download) and the most popular uses for each flavor!
Before beginning any weight loss plan, you should consult your physician.

US customers:
($15 shipping)
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International customers:
($25 shipping)
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We will ship you the "physical" products, and you will receive the DOWNLOAD links at the time you purchase this package.

Sample pages from a few handouts
Meal Planner
The Meal Planner
Shopping List
The Shopping List
P2 Veggies
P2 Veggies
Stevia drops
13 Flavors of Stevia

special $147 price


US customers:
($15 shipping)
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International customers:
($25 shipping)
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We will ship you the "physical" products, and you will receive the DOWNLOAD links at the time you purchase this package.