Start Your New Life NOW! ORDER TODAY!! 40 Day supply for $139.00
Welcome to Your Weight Loss Journey!
Tens of thousands of people have used this simple, safe and effective method to achieve quick and permanent weight loss.
Based on a protocol introduced by Dr. A. T. W. Simeons, a European medical doctor in the 1950's, this weight loss plan has proven
to be virtually 100 percent successful. Most people who follow the exact diet instructions experience these spectacular results...
- Lose ˝ lb to 1 pound a day WITHOUT GAINING IT BACK!
- Stubborn area fat deposits melt away
- Dramatic body reshaping of the hips, thighs, buttocks and waist
- Lose intense, constant physical hunger
- Lose food cravings and uncontrollable urges to eat when you’re not hungry
- Reset your metabolism
A 40-day supply, taking 30 drops per day, takes you through one full cycle of the diet. People typically lose 20-30 pounds during this time. After two fat
loading days, you go on the main part of the diet for 21 to 40 days (Phase 2), then go on maintenance for 3 weeks (Phase 3). If you have additional weight to
lose, you can go back and do another cycle of the diet. (We have a special price on the drops for repeat customers.)
The Wisdom Weight Loss Solution includes:
- 2 bottles of drops - used together; a 40-day supply (shipped)
- 28-page Getting Started Step-by-Step Guide (download)
contains all the information you need to begin your diet journey - how to take the drops, what they do, foods you can eat, the 4 phases of the diet, what to do if you get a stall in weight loss, and more.
- 101 Worry-Free HCG Diet Recipes Plus Hints & Tips from Experts (softcover, shipped)
- great selection of P2 recipes!
- Phase 2 Weekly Shopping List (download)
- Phase 3 Weekly Shopping List (download)
- Phase 2 Weekly Intake Sheet (download) to record your journey
- Phase 3 Weekly Intake Sheet (download) to record your journey
- Phase 2 FAQ (download)
- Phase 3 FAQ (download)
- Phase 2 Tips for Success (download)
- 40-day Phase 2 Menu Planner (download) - shows you sample meals for lunch and dinner, 40 days!
- Dr. Simeon's Pounds and Inches (book, download)
- Phase 2 Vegetables & Spices (download) - photos of the 14 approved P2 veggies with cooking ideas and links to recipe videos (for each veggie)
- Phase 3 Recipes (download)
- Phase 3 Sample Menus (download)
- Phase 3 Food Tips and Resources (download)
- 13 Flavors of Liquid Stevia (download) and the most popular uses for each flavor!
Before beginning any weight loss plan, you should consult your physician.
US customers: ($15 shipping)
International customers: ($25 shipping)
We will ship you the "physical" products, and you will receive the DOWNLOAD links at the time you purchase this package.
Sample pages from a few handouts |
The Meal Planner |
The Shopping List |
P2 Veggies |
13 Flavors of Stevia |