Session 4

The Heal Your Emotions, Heal Your Life

Five Step System

Session Four

Module 3 – Permanently Heal Shock, Trauma and Painful Memories




Welcome to Session Four of The Heal Your Emotions, Heal Your Life Five Step System. We are now in Module 3, designed to permanently heal shock, trauma and painful memories. In this session, you will experience one process that will change an upsetting visual image in your mind’s eye, and another which will permanently resolve a trauma or painful memory.

Our mind is made up of representations or maps of our experiences. These maps create our emotional lives. Throughout this program we are changing those maps, and in turn, changing our emotional lives.

The Visual Swish Process

In the Visual Swish Process, we will install a new, automatic and positive image in your mind to replace an image that has been causing you emotional suffering. No conscious thought or willpower is required to make the new response permanent. You simply won’t see the painful image anymore.

For this process, I want you to remember an upsetting image from your past, OR think of an upsetting image associated with your future, OR recall an upsetting feeling, and let it get so strong that it becomes an image that you can see.

An upsetting image from your past could be anything from watching your parents fight as a child or being ridiculed as a child, to seeing violence on a battlefield or getting a diagnosis from a doctor. My mentor once had a client who had been crying every time her husband’s name was mentioned for 25 years after his passing. She had been to a psychologist and every other type of professional that she could think of, but no one was able to help her. Her family thought she was still grieving after 25 years. In fact, she was not grieving. The first question my teacher asked her was “What do you see in your mind’s eye when you think of your husband?” No one had ever asked her that question. She answered, ” I see him in a coffin.” It made sense that she would cry every time she saw that image. He changed that image in her mind with the process we are about to do, so that she would no longer see it in her mind’s eye. She never cried about her husband again.

You may also recall the story I told about the woman who had been diagnosed with PTSD and told she would never heal. She visited a therapist once a week for ten years. She went through the process we are about to experience, and the image that caused her PTSD of her father raping her, was completely gone. It changed her life so dramatically that she is now studying this work to use it professionally and help others.

An upsetting image about your future could be a picture in your mind’s eye of you being nervous while speaking on stage at an upcoming event. If you are starting with an upsetting feeling, and are having trouble seeing an associated image in your mind, just imagine if you could see an image, what would it be. During any of these processes, if you are having trouble seeing an image, ask yourself this question…”If I could see an image, what would it be?”

Let’s get started with the Visual Swish Process.

** At the 3 minute, 26 second mark ( 3:26):

The Visual Swish Process**

This is yet another extremely powerful process that you can use over and over again.

The Trauma Resolution Process

Next, we will do the Trauma Resolution Process during which you will dissociate from a painful memory.

Dissociation is defined as the disconnection or separation of something. It helps to eliminate the effects of traumatic memories. Dissociation can be deeply healing for people who suffer from PTSD, which is another term for painful memories. The results are both rapid and permanent. It can also be helpful if you have a phobia…an Intense fear of people, animals, objects or situations that are not harmful or dangerous.

Dissociation enables those who suffer from traumatic memories or phobias to reprogram their mind’s response to the original, or causal experience. It does this by separating mental pictures and their associated feelings so that the painful response or irrational fear are no longer triggered.

Symptoms of severe trauma can include:

  • Repeated, distressing memories or dreams of the event
  • Acting or feeling as if the event were still happening
  • Intense distress when exposed to images or sounds resembling the event
  • Efforts to avoid anything that could remind the person of the event
  • Inability to experience a normal range of emotions and interest in life
  • Not planning as if life had a future
  • Difficulty concentrating, relaxing or sleeping

We will reprocess the traumatic memory so that you are able to update the meaning that your mind equates with that experience in present time. The reprogramming effect of this technique integrates new perspectives that result in your nervous system no longer triggering the unnecessary activation of the ‘fight or flight’ reaction.

Please paste a Post-it sticky note or similar small piece of paper on the wall in front of you and then sit in a chair several feet from the wall, as far from it as you can. You will use that as your point of focus when I ask you to see pictures, and later, a movie. For this process, you will have to listen very carefully to my instructions. I will speak slowly and repeat the instructions throughout the process so that you will clearly understand what I am asking you to do.

Let’s get started with the Trauma Resolution Process.

** At the 18 minute, 29 second mark ( 18:29):

The Trauma Resolution Process**

We’ve interrupted the pattern of that memory. That map is now changed, and the event will no longer upset you. I have never had to do this process more than once, but if you happen to feel even the slightest upset over the memory, repeat this process until it is completely gone.

As with all of the techniques in this program, you can come back to this whenever you want, and it will get easier and more familiar each time you do it.


Next week, in Session Five, you will experience two Reframing Processes for an illness, symptom, or issue that you want to stop experiencing.  The issues might include having a rash, feeling ashamed, an inner critical voice, wetting the bed, or whatever the issue is for you. You can choose your main issue for the longer, in-depth version of the process we will do first, and another issue for a shorter version of the process we will do after that.

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