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Larry Crane
Live show date: August 8th
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The Release Technique -The Secret for Health, Wealth and Wisdom
The Release Technique is an inner technique for letting go that instantly puts you in touch with your successful self so that you can feel confidant, calm, and in control in any situation. Many graduates claim it has helped them take control of their lives, gain wealth, health and happiness and live a worry-free life.
Join us as Larry shares why The Release Technique has been changing lives around the globe:
- The brain is like a computer and most of us have “viruses” that impede relationships and success.
- Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson underscore the danger of achieving “success” without happiness.
- Most people operate in “zombie mode” and are slaves to knee jerk emotion.
- Mankind is headed for disaster unless we address the root cause of anxiety and dread.
- People with post-traumatic stress disorder can develop minds that are quieter than the Dalai Lama’s.
Larry Crane is a best-selling author, a self-made millionaire, and a coach to the coaches. His Release Technique has been taught to Fortune 500 Companies and such leaders as Norman Vincent Peale (father of positive thinking) and Catherine Ponder (author of many best-selling books including ” The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity”). Larry will be sharing his scientifically-proven technique, taught to over 100,000 graduates worldwide, to dramatically increase profits and performance levels. The effectiveness of his method has been verified by researchers of Harvard, Columbia and UCLA Universities.